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Re: [i10n] Maintaining translations on a branch

From: Erik Huelsmann <e.huelsmann_at_gmx.net>
Date: 2004-08-11 23:06:27 CEST

> Hi Erik,
> I'm not following the merge process for the .po files, and maybe
> it's a stupid question: Why there are messages in the 1.1 branch
> that are not in the trunk if there are no developments on the
> branches but just fixes and then merges? I think I didn't
> understand how this mechanism is working here.

On trunk it is possible that code-changes make certain messages obsolete.
Because the branch is frozen, those messages are still on the branch. So
after that happens you have messages on the branch which are not on the
> If the new messages just come from the trunk, I think there will be
> no problems to this mechanism, right? I guess that this also apply
> to the generic case where generated code should be merged. Is this
> correct?

Not entirely. Since it is possible that after a message gets deprecated,
another one is added. If the change which adds a message needs to be ported
to the branch, then on the branch both the new and the old message exist.
So, yes, it is possible that problems arise, even if messages only come from

> Not answering you question here, I wonder if there's something wrong
> with the process for this case.

Np. Did the above explain it?



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Received on Wed Aug 11 23:06:45 2004

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