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branches and tags question

From: <pll_at_lanminds.com>
Date: 2002-11-26 16:40:00 CET

Hi all,

I have basic revision control question, which is basically, what is
the difference between a branch and a tag?

It is my understanding that fundamentally:

        - a tag is intended to never change, and is like a snapshot
          in time of the repository in a certain state.

        - a branch starts off similar to a tag, but evolves in a
          separate manner so that after the initial creation, there
          are differences between the branch repo and the trunk repo.

Is that correct? If so, how do I create a 'tag', but then insure
that it never changes? I understand that I can:

        svn cp http://path/to/repo/trunk http://path/to/repo/tag/tag-name

However, that does not prevent me, or anyone else, from accidently checking out
http://path/to/repo/tag/tag-name, making changes, and then
re-committing it.

Do I manually set the unix-level file permissions on the repository
structure to read only after the creation or is there an svn mechanism
to do this?


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Received on Tue Nov 26 16:40:52 2002

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