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Re: Potential issue with svn co file:// with drive letters on Windows machines

From: Branko Čibej <brane_at_xbc.nu>
Date: 2002-05-27 20:25:26 CEST

Joshua Jensen wrote:

>I have a local test repository located at e:\svn\repos.
>From a different drive, I try the following:
>[S:\svntest2]svn co file:///e:/svn/repos
>svn_error: #21097 : <Couldn't find a repository.>
> Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
>svn_error: #21097 : <Couldn't find a repository.>
> svn_ra_local__split_URL: Unable to find valid repository
This is a known issue. We don't parse the drive part of the URL
correctly on Windows.

>All variations yield similar results. If I do:
>[E:\svntest2]svn co file:///svn/repos
>The checkout is fine.
>My solution was to open libsvn_ra_local/split_url.c and add the #ifdef
> /* Currently, the only hostnames we are allowing are the empty
> string and 'localhost' */
> if ((hostname != path) && (memcmp (hostname, "localhost", 9)))
> return svn_error_create
> ("svn_ra_local__split_URL: URL contains unsupported hostname"));
>#ifdef WIN32
> path++;
>#endif WIN32
No. We should use the URL-parsing code in apr-util, and make sure /that/
works correctly. In the meantime, just put the repo on the same drive as
the working copy.

>I'm sure this isn't a complete solution, but it solves the drive letter
>problem above. I actually think the command should be:
>[S:\svntest2]svn co file://e:/svn/repos
>with the removal of the third slash, because this more closely mirrors
>web browser file:// support.

All the browsers I've seen put three slashes there, which I think is
correct (there can be a host name between the second and third slash).

Brane Čibej   <brane_at_xbc.nu>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Mon May 27 20:26:50 2002

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