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hey volunteers: see new page listing discrete tasks

From: Karl Fogel <kfogel_at_collab.net>
Date: 2001-07-04 21:22:22 CEST

If you're looking to contribute, please visit the new page


A lot of people have posted to the dev list asking "What can I do to
help?"... We're trying to be a bit more organized about answering
that question now. :-)

Subversion is at a stable enough point that most tasks do not require
major code changes; rather, they're just about adding to or tweaking
the functionality of existing code. The tasks are self-contained and
easy to understand -- you don't need to be an expert in Subversion to
take one on, you just need to have a good general idea of how things
work, and be comfortable coding in C.

When someone is active on a task, we'll keep track of that on the
page. (One could argue that the issue tracker is a better place for
this, but presentation-wise it's probably a lot easier for volunteers
to have a list that's just about small, discrete tasks -- that way,
when you have a spare evening to devote to Subversion, you always know
where to look.)

There are three items on the page already; more will be added as they
come up, and if you know of an unlisted task, please post a patch for
the page, we'll add it.

Happy hacking,

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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:33 2006

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